Sunday, February 28, 2021

Cold Iron VI Final Results

 Cold Iron VI Average Joe is in the books.

With three players unable to return for Sunday, we decided to call it a day after 3 on Saturday.

1st Place - Gino Agnelly (he edged Joey by 3 points)

2nd - Joey Miller

3rd - Willard Moore

4th - Scott Allen

5th - Vince Solfronk

Referee - Christopher Anders

Each player still present at the end received a colorful pin I found on Ebay.

Gino took a Roman one, Joey took a Teutonic Knight one and Vince grabbed a harry barbarian one.

2021 Cold Iron Champ - Gino Agnelly

2nd Place - Joey Miller

5th Place - Vince Solfronk

Full round by round results are here.

Round 1 Pictures

Round 2 Pictures

Round 3 Pictures

No much in the way of action shots as I was playing as well as refereeing.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Cold Iron VI Field of Glory Average Joe Tournament Runners and Riders

Here are the Riders for this weekend's Cold Iron VI Field of Glory Average Joe Tournament (in alphabetical order):

Gino Agnelly

Scott Allen

Christopher Anders (Referee)

Joey Miller

Willard Moore

Vincent Solfronk

The Runners in order by date are as follows (I'll let you figure out who is riding what):

Early Successor

Early & Middle Republican Roman

Classical Indian

Dailami Dynasties


Medieval Scandinavian

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Successor Wars Supporting Material

 As a typical wargamer, I see gaming squirrels everywhere (usually spawned by a new book article I stumble across). which will lead me to travel down campaign tangents from time to time.  These will usually run their course when the inspirational material runs out.  One such campaign era that I revisit from time to time is the Wars of the Diadochi.  Most specifically the first 20 years after Alexander. I have a campaign called "To the Gates of Babylon" that I have worked on for close to 3 years now covering specifically that period.  Jeff Jonas is partly to blame with his Syrian Wars campaign.  Later than I like, but still provides a lot of inspiration and formed the basis of my campaign rules that still bear a semblance of what he used. 

Those of you you have followed my blog for a while will see the footprints of Jonas' work in my Broken Rays of the Sun Campaign.  Although it is set around 500 years after Alexander, the area is the same that Alexander marched across and his successors fought over.  With the Broken Rays of the Sun, I collected a reading list of supporting documents that helped me put the campaign together.   Realizing that I had amassed quite a plethora of material of the wars of Alexander and the first 20 years after him, I started putting together my Successor Wars Supporting Material Compendium.  Maybe some of you will find it useful.

Successor Wars Supporting Material 

Note:  This is a shared Google Doc for the purpose that I can go back and add more information as I gather it without having to reshare the link.  Anyone on the web, using this link can view the information.

Revised Map

 Been working on the Normans in the Nunnery Campaign scenario a bit and added a revised map. Alos working on revising the campaign rules and...