Sunday, December 2, 2018

Italo-Normans vs Muslim Sicilians Circa 1050 AD

Back to the gaming table with an updated list for the Italo-Normans after receiving Army List Book 3.

The Khalbid Emir of Sicily, Hasan al-Samsan withdrew from public life in the year 1044 AD leaving various Muslim lords to battle over the control of the island.  The Emir would linger on until 1053 AD but never again exercised any control over his warring lords.  But what if he had...

In the year 1048, a little known son of the Emir, Zerief ibn Hasan ibn Malkut al-Samsun rose from obscurity to bring the warring lords back into the fold.  By 1050 AD, the stage was set for another Muslim descent into the boot of Italy.  Using traders and smugglers to keep him informed of the troubles between the Normans and the Lombards, Zerief perceived an opportunity and in the early Spring of 1050, his host descended on the lands surround Amalfi.  Prince Guimar of Salerno, alarmed by the arrival of the Muslim force so close to his capital saw an opportunity to use his new Norman Vassal, Richard Drengot, and quite possibly acquire Amafi at the same time.  Gathering the Normans at his disposal in Aversa, Richard marched hard to the hills around Amalfi to find the Muslim host deployed and awaiting his onslaught....

Italo-Norman List and Host:

Muslim North Africa & Sicily Host & List

The Muslim won the initiative and opted for Hilly terrain.  The Italo-Normans (hereafter referred to as Normans) chose a compulsory gentle hill and an Impassable.  The Muslims chose a steep hill, a broken ad a brush.  The gentle hill ended up on the Muslim base line as did the brush.  The steep hill and the broken fell on the Norman side 4" from the side.  The impassable landed in the center of the Muslim deployment area but was picked up on a six.

The Normans deployed with the 6 stands of average nights side up on the steep hill.  The Green Superior Knights deployed in line next the average knights and the blue knights deployed in line to extend the Norman line from steep hill to the broken terrain.  After deployment, the average knights dismounted.

The Muslims deployed with both spear BGs in front of the Norman average knights.  One javelin cavalry BG deployed in line next to the spear.  The second javelin cavalry BG deployed in a 2x2 formation next to them.  The light horse BG deployed on the front edge of the gentle hill completing the front line of the Muslim host.  The armored lancer BG deployed behind the light horse on top of the hill.

The Moslem force won (or lost depending on how you look at it) the roll to move first.  The Moslem foot double moved straight ahead towards the Norman line.  The cavalry line moved 5" straight ahead.  The light horse moved 7" forward and slid 1 base to their left (top of the pictures).  The armoured lancer BG behind the light horse moved 5" forward and shifted 1 base to their left to come up behind the light horse.  There was no shooting on this phase and in the joint action, the Norman leader moved to the last stand of the green knights next to the blue knights.  The Moslem leader moved to the 2x2 BG of javelin cavalry.

The Normans began their 1st turn by marching the dismounted knights 3" straight ahead keep their left (bottom of the picture) on the steep hill.The green knights (in the center) did a short move to stay even with the dismounted knights.  The blue knights performed a 5" move straight ahead.  There was no shooting this turn so the Norman 1st turn ended.

The Moslems had no charges to begin their 2nd turn so the light horse BG wheeled to come up on the flank of the blue knights stopping at 2".  The 2x2 javelin cavalry BG expanded 2 stands.  The middle javelin cavalry BG moved to 2" from the blue knights.  The Moslem spear opted to sit tight this turn. In the shooting phase, the light horse and the middle javelin cavalry managed only 2 hits total on the blue knights who easily passed their cohesion test.  In the joint action phase, the Norman leader moved one file over towards the left to come within 4" of the dismounted knights.  The Moslem leader moved to the blue flagged Moslem spear BG (center of the line).  At this point, the turn ended.

To begin the Norman 3rd turn, the Normans held all three BGs in the impact phase.  In maneuver, the green knights contracted 2 stands and advanced to within a gnat's dodger of the javelin cavalry BG to their front.  In the shooting phase, the green knights took only 1 hit while the blue knights took 2.  The blue knights shook off the shooting hits and the turn ended.

For the Moslem 3rd turn, no charges were launched.  In maneuver, the light horse BG turned 90 and wheeled 5" back towards the blue knights ending with only one stand within 2" of the right rear of the knights.  The javelin cavalry BG in front of the blue knights advanced to 2'.  In the shooting phase, the green knights took 1 hit and the blue knights took 3.  Again, the blue knights emerged unscathed. With nothing to do in the joint action phase, the Moslem 3rd turn ended.

The Norman 3rd turn opened with both knight BGs charging straight ahead.  The dismounted knights held in place.  Both javelin cavalry BGs opted to evade.  The javelin cavalry BG in the center rolled short and evaded 3".  The other javelin cavalry BG evaded 6" but had to drop a base back to keep from hitting the armoured lancer BG.  The blue knights pursued 5" and the green knights pursued 4".  Both knights plowed into the center javelin cavalry BG dropping it to disrupted.  The blue knights and the green knights scored 5 and 4 hits respectively to the javelin cavalry BG who managed only 2 hits to each knight BG.  The Javelin cavalry managed to only lose 1 base from all of the hits but failed cohesion and fragmented.  The Normans had no maneuvering to do and the light horse Bg was no longer close enough to throw javelins, so there was no shooting.  In melee, the two knight BGs combined for 4 hits and took none in return.  The Moslem cavalry lost a base to the death roll and auto-broke.  The other javelin cavalry BG disrupted from seeing their friend break and the Moslem Spear BG with the general also disrupted.  In the subsequent route and pursuit, the broken Moslem cavalry ran 5" but the green knights caught them anyway.  The blue knights only went 3" and caught the disrupted javelin cavalry BG in the rear (it was no longer in skirmish formation and could not evade) dropping it to fragmented.  In joint action, the green knights attempted a complex maneuver test to stop pursuing but failed.  The broken Moslem cavalry fled off the table and the knights stopped in front of the fortified camp.  The Norman 3rd turn thus ended on a high note for the Normans.

For the Moslem 4th turn, the impact of the blue knights into the last javelin cavalry BG had to be resolved.  The blue knights scored 4 hits and took 3 in return.  Neither side suffered from hits but the javelin cavalry rolled snake-eyes on the cohesion test and broke.  The armoured cavalry next to it did not care when it broke and passed its cohesion test.  The broken cavalry fled 3" and where caught by the blue knights losing a base.  In the maneuver phase, the Moslem armoured cavalry passed a CMT to turn 90 and wheeled 3" towards the blue knight's rear.  The light horse BG moved 7" towards the Norman camp.  The Moslem spear line moved 1.5" towards the dismounted knights.  With  no shooting or melee, in joint action the center Moslem spear BG attempted to rally and failed while the broken javelin cavalry fled off the table.  The blue knights pursued to the table edge ending the Moslem 4th turn.

To begin the Norman 4th turn, the dismounted knights rolled successfully to hold in place.  Both the blue and the green knights successfully passed a CMT to turn 180 in place.  with no shooting or melee, the joint action phase loomed again and the disrupted Moslem spear BG in the center finally rallied ending the turn.

For the Moslem 5th turn, the armored Moslem cavalry BG attempted to hold in place but failed and charged straight into the blue knights.  In impact, both sides scored 2 hits ending in a draw.  In the maneuver phase, the center Moslem spear moved 1/2" towards the dismounted knights while the light horse BG moved 7" towards the Norman camp.  With no shooting the turn moved into melee.  the Moslem lancers scored 3 hits to 2 on the blue knights.  The blue knights shrugged off the hits and thumbed their noses at the Moslem cavalry keeping cohesion.  With nothing to do in joint action, the Moslem 5th turn ended.

To start the Norman 5th turn, the dismounted knights passed a CMT not to charge and held in place.  The blue knights expanded a base into overlap on the Moslem lancer BG while the green knights moved 5" towards the Moslem foot.  Again with no shooting, the turn shifted to melee.  In melee, the blue knights scored 4 hits to 3.  The Moslem lancers suffered a base loss from hits while the knights suffered none.  The Moslem lancers then proceeded to drop to disrupted on cohesion.  Again with nothing to do in joint action, the turn ended.

To start the Moslem 6th turn, the Moslem foot decided they could no longer wait on the dismounted knights to lose control and charge them so both Moslem spear BGs charged.  The green Moslem spear BG (closest to the bottom of the table) dropped a file back to avoid the difficult hill.  Both leaders immediately jumped into the front rank sensing this could be for all the marbles.  The light horse BG charged the unguarded Norman ships on the beach (the camp).  In the impact, each Moslem spear BG scored 3 hits while the dismounted knights scored 2 hits to the blue Moslem spear BG (the one with the leader) and 5 to the green Moslem spear BG.  Bth generals survived the impact.  The Normans lost a base to hits but the Moslems held firm.  Neither side dropped cohesion and the melee phase ended.  With no maneuvering or shooting to be had, the melee phase rose to the fore.  In melee, the blue knights scored 4 hits on the Moslem lancers and took 2.  The Moslem lancers passed their death roll but fragmented on cohesion.  The dismounted knights managed only 2 hits to the green spear Bg and 1 to the blue spear BG taking only 1 hit in total in return.  The green Moslem spear BG passed its death roll and cohesion test to end the melee phase.  In the joint action phase, the Moslem light horse failed a complex maneuver test to stop looting and the Moslem 6th turn ended.

The Norman 6th turned dawned with no charges to be had.  The green knights continued moving towards the infantry battle.  In melee, the dismounted knights managed only 2 hits to the green spear Bg and none to the blue spear BG.  The Moslem blue spear managed 2 hits in return while the green spear managed none.  The green spear survived its death roll and maintained cohesion.  However, on the Moslem base line, the Moslem lancers only managed 2 hits to the 5 it received.  The continued pounding proved too much and 1 base disintegrated on the death roll causing the BG to break.  At this point the Moslem army broke ending on a 6-2 victory for the Normans.

Thus ended another attempt of the Sicilian Moslems to sow discord on the Italian mainland.  Zerief, however, yet lives and chances are he will return for another chance at glory.... 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

FOG 300 Italo-Normans vs Muslim N. African & Sicily circa 1070 AD

As I am re-reading Jack Ludlow's wonderful trilogy of the Normans in Italy, I have been spurred to return to an on-again-off-again project with that campaign in mind set around 1050 AD.  I have a draft map that I need to add some additional nodes to and color but here it is below:

I have a draft of the campaign rules for it as well but am still working through the details.  Once it gets closer to a finished product, I will add it to the blog.

Accompanying this concept, I had two lists laying around that I have been wanting to try out set in 1070 AD.  So here you get an AAR of Italo-Normans vs Muslim N. African & Sicily (Sicilian version).  The Italo-Norman list was drawn from the original Oath of Fealty.


The year is 1070 AD.  Roger d'Hauteville has been nibbling at the Saracen holdings in Sicily for close to a decade.  He has recently been called back to the mainland to assist his brother, Robert, in putting down another one of the incessant rebellions of Robert's troublesome vassals.  Danulf, son of Ormott, has been left in command in his absence.  The Emir of Troina has heard of Roger's absence and has gathered his host and marched to attack Danulf.  Danulf has gathered his forces and awaits the Emir in the hills west of Troina.

The Norman host and list:

The Moslem's in Sicily host and list:

The Normans won the initiative and opted for Hilly.  The Moslems chose the compulsory gentle hill, a broken and a steep hill.  The Normans took an impassable.

A view of the Moslem host deployed shows a light horse BG on the far right with a cavalry BG on its left.  Both of these BGs are armed with javelins and light spears.  In the center are two units of heavy foot with supporting archers.  On the left, there is another BG of cavalry with javelins and light spears with an armored lancer BG behind.

A view of the Italo-Norman host deployed shows a BG of knights on the right on the back of the gentle hill.  A small BG of archers are deployed partly in front of the knights and the heavy foot that stretch to cover the camp.  On the left next to the impassable lake, the last BG of knights screened by the BG of Greek javelins.

Another view of the entire table and both armies:

The Italo-Normans rolled to move first and Danulf moves the spear and the archers a double move forwards towards the Moslem line.  The Green Knights on the left end of the Norman line move 5" forward and shift 1 base left.  The Greek javelins move 5" forward and shift 1 base right.  The Blue Knights behind them mirror the move of the Greeks.  With no shooting or melee to be resolved, The Norman turn ended.

The Moslem 1st turn has the light horse BG move 7" straight ahead.  The Moslem cavalry BG next to it moves short staying outside of 5' of the Blue Knights to their front.  The Moslem Emir moves the heavy foot line 3" straight forward.  The Moslem cavalry to the right of the heavy foot moves 3" to stay on line with the foot battle line.  The Moslem armored cavalry wheel to their right and move 4" and then wheel 1" to their left.  As no one has any effective shooting, the Moslem 1st turn ends.

To start the Norman 2nd turn, the Greek skirmishers move to with 2" of the Moslem cavalry to their front.  The Blue Knights pass a CMT and expand 2 bases while stationary.  The bow BG turn 180 and move 4" to end behind the Italo-Norman spear.  The Green Knights pass a CMT to expand 2 bases and remain stationary.  In the shooting phase, the Greek javelins and the Moslem cavalry in front of them score a grand total of 1 hit to no effect.  The generals both opt to remain where they are and the Norman 2nd turn ends.

To start the Moslem 2nd turn, the Moslem light horse turn 90 to their left, wheel 4.5" to become parallel to the Norman front and move forward half an inch.  The Moslem cavalry on their right expand 2 bases while remaining stationary.The Moslem infantry line do a short move and move on line with the cavalry to their left.  The Moslem javelin cavalry on the right end of the line expand two bases while remaining stationary.  The armored Moslem cavalry pass a CMT to turn 90 to their left and move 3" back towards the center.  In the shooting phase, the Greek javelins score 2 hits on the Moslem cavalry to their front who score 0 in return.  The Moslem cavalry disrupt on their cohesion test.

To begin the Italo-Norman 3rd turn, the Blue Knights on the Norman right move straight ahead through the Greek javelins to just in front of the disrupted Moslem cavalry (just over 5" away at Beth start of their move).  The Greek javelins turn 180 and move 5" straight back (they failed a CMT to withdraw 2").  The Green Knights move 5" straight ahead (again starting just over 5 from the Moslem cavalry).  The light foot bows move 5" towards the Italo-Norman camp.  In the shooting phase, the disrupted Moslem cavalry scores no hits on the Blue Knights.  On the other end, the Green Knights take 2 hits but shrug it off with no ill effects.  In the JAP, the Norman leader moves to the last file on the left end of the Norman spear BG.  The Emir moves to the disrupted Moslem cavalry and rallies them back to steady to end the Italo-Norman 3rd turn.

To start the Moslem 3rd turn, the Moslem cavalry in front of the Blue Knights on the Moslem left pass a CMT and back up staying at 2" front the knights.  The Moslem cavalry on the right end of the line attempt a CMT but fail and remain in place.  The Moslem armored cavalry also attempt a CMT but fail and move 3" forward.  The Moslem light horse turn 90 and move to within 2" of the Blue Knights.  In the shooting phase, the light horse and cavalry on the Moslem left shower there Knights with javelins scoring 3 hits.  The Blue Knights, however, pick the javelins out other mail and off their shields taking no losses on the death roll and no loss of cohesion.  On the other end of the line, the Green Knights take one hit from shooting to no effect.  In the JAP, the Moslem Emir moves back to the center of the Moslem foot line ending the Moslem 3rd turn. 

To begin the Italo-Norman 4th turn, both BGs of knights charge.  The Moslem cavalry facing the Green Knights on the Norman left worked the numbers and releasing that they would be caught with their back to the knights because of the steep hill behind them if they evaded and opted to stand.  the Moslem cavalry infant of the Blue Knights opted to evade ending up just 1" in front of the knights who pursued 6" to their 5".  On impact, the Green Knights scored 10 hits out of 12 to the Moslem 5.  The Moslems took 1 base loss automatically, passed the subsequent death roll but rolled snake eyes on the cohesion test to drop to fragmented.  In the movement phase, the Greek javelins wheeled 5" towards the Moslem light horse.  The Norman bowmen moved 5" towards the javelin men.  The Norman heavy foot moved 2" towards the Moslem foot.  As there was no shooting to be had this turn, the turn proceeded into the melee phase.  In melee, the Green Knights scored 3 hits and took 2 in return.  The Moslem cavalry passed their death roll but failed their cohesion test, breaking.  The neighboring Moslem foot BG and the armored cavalry BG did not seem to care easily passing their cohesion tests.  The broken Moslem cavalry routed 5" towards the table edge.  The Green Knights pursued to the edge of the steep hill and stopped.  In joint action, the broken Moslem cavalry continued off the table ending the turn.

To begin the Moslem 4th turn, both heavy foot units charge the Norman spear.  The generals on both sides join the fight.  On impact, the right Moslem spear with the general scored 7 hits to the Normans while the other Moslem spear scored 1.  The Normans scored 4 hits on the Moslem spear with the general and 3 on the other.  Neither general takes a hit.  The Norman spear suffers a base loss and disrupts.  The Moslem spear without the general disrupts.  In movement, the remaining Moslem javelin cavalry turns 180 to face the Blue Knights.  The Moslem light horse moves to within 2" of the Blue Knight's rear.  The Moslem armoured cavalry turn 180 to face the Green Knights.  In the shooting phase, The Blue Knights take 3 hits from the javelin storm but shrug it ff with no ill effects. In melee, the Moslem spear manage 5 total hits with the Norman spear returning with 3 total split between the two BGs.  Neither general suffered a scratch and the Norman spear passed their death roll.  Unfortunately, they suffer another cohesion loss and drop to fragmented.  With both generals in the fray, there was nothing to do in joint action and the Moslem 4th turn ended.

To begin the Italo-Norman 5th turn, the Blue Knights charged the Moslem cavalry to their front.  The Moslem cavalry opt to stand as an evasion would take them off the table.  in impact, the Blue Knights scored 5 hits and took 2 in return.  The Moslems suffer a 1 base loss from the death roll and disrupt on cohesion.  In the maneuver phase, the Green Knights pass a CMT to contract 2 stands and wheel towards the armoured Moslem cavalry. The Greek javelins turn 90 and wheel 3" towards the Moslem light horse.  The Norman bowmen move 5" towards the javelin men.  There was no shooting to be had so the turn proceeded into the melee phase.  In melee, the Blue Knights scored 3 hits and took 1 in return.  The Moslem cavalry survived their death roll but double drop on cohesion, routing off the table.  The Moslem light horse disrupt for seeing friends break.  The Blue Knights pursue to the table edge.  The Italo-Norman spear manage zero hits against the Moslem spear but take 5 total in return.  The Norman general survives but the spear lose a base to their death roll and break cohesion.  In pursuit, the Normans go 3" and both Moslem foot BGs catch them.  The Norman leader survives once more as two more bases of Norman spear evaporate.  In joint action, the Norman leader moves 7" to the Greek javelins while the broken spear rout 3" towards the table edge.  The Moslem spear with the Emir pursue into the broken Norman spear while the other Moslem spear move short.  The Italo-Norman Spear BG is picked up at the end of the joint action ending the Italo-Norman 5th turn.

The Moslem 5th turn began with the game in the balance.  The armoured Moslem lancers started things off by failing a CMT not to charge plowing into the Green Knights as a result.  In the impact phase, the Moslem armoured cavalry managed 0 hits but took 2 in return.  Surviving the death roll, the Moslems disrupted on the cohesion test.  The disrupted Moslem spear BG rolled, and passed a CMT, to charge to Norman bowmen to their front.  The bowmen evade 5" and the spear pursue 4.  In movement, the other Moslem spear move 3" forwards towards the undefended Norman camp.  The Green Knights expanded a base to cover an existing overlap against the armoured Moslem cavalry.  The Moslem light horse turned 90 and moved 5" towards the Greek javelins.  In the shooting phase, the Moslem light horse scored 2 hits on the Greeks who shrug off the javelin storm with ease.  In melee, the Green Knights scored 6 hits on the Moslem armoured cavalry who managed 0 in return.  The Moslem cavalry suffer 1 base loss automatically and then managed to double drop on cohesion.  With the breaking of the last Moslem cavalry BG, the Emir called it a day and abandoned the field.

Just after I finished this game yesterday, guess what showed up in the mail?  You guessed it:  Army Lists Book 3.  The new Italo-Norman Ally list is significantly different than the original so I will be having another go at it with the new version at some point.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Painting Update

Been working through the new army the last few weeks.  Inspired by the work of Lurkio a few years ago (Nubians), I have quite a few in different stages of completion.

Here are some cleaned and ready to be sprayed.  There are some Essex, Gladiator and maybe a few Khurasan figures mixed in with the Old Glory figures.  I added a few shields to a couple of the Old Glory command figures and will use them in a close fighter unit.

Here is bunch waiting their turn on the painting table.  They have been sprayed with Ace Premium Paint Chocolate Brown satin Enamel and then let dry for a day.

These were finished today and are waiting to be dipped.

These were dipped today and are waiting to dry before basing.  You will see a couple of Old Glory Early Libyan Javelinmen in this mix.  Some of the Javelinmen are also from the Old Gory Berber set.  carve off the long sword they are wearing and they look almost exactly like the javelinmen in the Old Glory Nubian pack.  The womenfolk are destined for a camp.

These two were the first test figures I worked on.  They are two of the Early Libyan figures.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Updated the NKE Reading List

Still slammed at work but thought I would add some new additions to the New Kingdom Egyptian Inspirational Readings.  Check out the page to the right.  The five new additions are highlighted yellow.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Message from Lurkio

Sad news to hear from Simon at Lurkio.  I have some of his terrain including the Sassanid Fire Temple.  Great terrain and some interesting figure lines.  Heres hoping someone picks them up.


After our extended break over the summer, it is with heavy heart, that I am announcing the closure of Lurkio. The reasons for this are manyfold, but primarily a change in personal circumstances means will I not not have the time to devote to running the store and provide the service that is expected. My commitments are now to look after my family, and Lurkio is unfortunately just too much effort for me to continue with.

Lurkio has been running for just over 10 years now. Starting with the Sassanid Persians to over a dozen ranges now - including some that never saw the light of day :-( Over those 10 years I have met a lot of new friends, and I thank you all for your support over this time. I hope that the ranges we have brought to light do not fade away, and I am looking to find someone to take over the ownership of Lurkio. I will leave the store running in browse mode while i try to find a buyer, or at least liquidate the stock.

If you , or know anyone, that might be interested in purchasing Lurkio , then please do drop me a line at

Until then many thanks for all of your support over the years and good luck to you all.

Thanks Simon

This Week

No after action report this week.  Too busy with work and family.  I have been working steadily on an opponent for my NKEs and hope to have something to put in on the table in the next month or so.

Thanks to inspiration from Simon at Lurkio, I have been experimenting with the dip method to deploy a Nubia host against my Egyptians.  The figures are a mix of Old Glory, Black Hat/Gladiator and Essex.

In V3 the Nubian list went away so I have been working on a draft list drawing from the original FOG list, DBM, ADLG, Triumph, MEG and as many books and articles I can find on the subject.  The list is highly conjectural, so comments are welcomed.


Nubian, 3000 BC - 1400 BC
Territory Types:  Agricultural, Hilly

  • Generals should be depicted as Archers.

CinCInspirational Commander/ Field Commander/ Troop Commander80/40/301
Sub-commandersField Commander/ Troop Commander40/300-2
Nubian Allied CommandersField Commander/ Troop Commander30/200-3
Troop name
Troop Type
Points per base
Bases per BG
Total bases
Close Combat
Medium Foot
Light Foot
Medium Foot
Light Spear
Light Foot
Close Fighters 
Medium Foot
Upgrade Archers to Veteran
Medium Foot
Fortified Camp


Nubian Allies - Lost Pages Volume IV
Egyptian Allies (in 2310 only) - Old or Middle Kingdom Egyptian, p. 13, Army Book 1
Nubian Allies
Field Commander/Troop Commander
Troop name
Troop Type
Points per base
Bases per BG
Total bases
Close Combat
Medium Foot
Light Foot

Final Figures for 2024

Managed to finally finish a battle group of Late Roman Auxiliary that had been languishing in the near finished box for a bit thanks to a re...