Saturday, April 17, 2021

April Update

 It has been quiet in the land of Blood, Sand and Steel but not for lack of desire.  Time has been at a premium with work and the boy.  Work continues in my spare time on several projects including three separate campaigns.  Hopefully, things will slow down some when summer arrives and I can get back to posting.  

The Birmingham Bunnies last communicated they planned on running Brewer-Sailors as a 800 point FOG Tournament at the end of April/Early May.  Unfortunately, the city of Birmingham, Alabama extended the city-wide mask mandate into May which creates issues for one of the venues the Bunnies hoped to use.  I have offered up Casa de Anders as an alternate but no news as of yet.

The Bayou Wars Ancients Tournament will be an Open tournament.  I will accommodate both ADLG V3 and FOG V3.  So what does that mean?  If you prefer FOG, send me a list by the deadline and I will match you up with as many FOG opponents as possible.  If you prefer ADLG, I will do the same.  After the uproar created by even mentioning FOG as an alternative at Bayou Wars, one of the ADLG adherents has already bowed out.  Below are the details I posted in several places with information about the Bayou Wars Tournament.

Bayou Wars will be an ADLGish open ancients tournament using V3 rules. However, anyone who would prefer to play FOG v3 can submit a FOG list and I will match you up with as many opponents as possible. The general rules are as follows:

Bayou Wars 29ish will host an Open Ancients Tournament on June 11-13, 2021, with 1 round Friday, 3 rounds Saturday and 1 round Sunday.

Tournament Rules and Format

This will be an Open Ancients Tournament and lists may not have more than 200 points for ADLG or 800 points FOG V3. 

ADLG V3 rule book and current ADLG rule interpretations will be used/FOG V3 rule book and current FOG rule interpretations will be used.

All judge's rulings are final.

Referee will be Christopher Anders. Send lists and questions to Lists will be due by June 4, 2021. Late lists give opponent choice of terrain before initiative is rolled.

Format will be the same regardless of rules played.
Five rounds. 2.5 hours with 1d6 minutes of random time per round. When time is called, players will finish the CURRENT phase.
Round 1 – Friday at 6:30 PM
Round 2 – Saturday at 8 AM
Round 3 – Saturday at 11 AM
Round 4 – Saturday at 3 PM
Round 5 – Sunday at 8AM

We will use the French 100 point scoring system.

Venue is D'Iberville Civic Center, 10395 Automall Parkway, D'Iberville, Mississippi 39540 

Convention fee is $40 USD for the weekend but there may be a reduced Tournament rate at the door. Tell them you are playing in the Ancients Tournament. $5 USD fee for the Tournament paid to referee at tournament. 

Trophies for 1st-3rd place will be provided (Maybe).

Final Figures for 2024

Managed to finally finish a battle group of Late Roman Auxiliary that had been languishing in the near finished box for a bit thanks to a re...