Saturday, September 21, 2019

New Campaign Page

The Broken Rays of the Sun Campaign page is now live.  As I progress I hope to add additional information about the campaign including references for further reading.

Broken Rays of the Sun

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cold Iron V Field of Glory Tournament

The Cold Iron Field of Glory Tournament returns for its 5th installment March 14th & 15th, 2020.  The tournament will be in the Birmingham, Alabama area.  Venue has yet to be determined.  We have the possibility of having guests from across the pond coming to join us for this event so do not miss out.

Initial tournament information:

  1. Two day event.  3 rounds on Saturday, March 14 & 1 on Sunday, March 15.
  2. One list, open event.  Any list from any 3rd edition army book.  800 points.
  3. Each round will be 3 hours plus 1d6 minutes of random time.  When time is called, players will finish the current phase.
  4. We will use the 100 point French Scoring method.
  5. Lists are due to Christopher Anders at no later than midnight, March 7.  Late lists give the opponent automatic selection of terrain from either armies list before initiative is determined.
  6. Entry fee for the tournament will be around $30.  Prepayment via PayPal will be available prior to the event.  Stay tuned for details.
  7. Once the venue has been finalized, a list of hotels in the area will be provided.
  8. Airport pick-up may be possible with advanced notice.

Final Figures for 2024

Managed to finally finish a battle group of Late Roman Auxiliary that had been languishing in the near finished box for a bit thanks to a re...