Saturday, September 25, 2021

Land of Reeds Correction Plus New Biblical Lists

I found a typo in the Land of Reeds sector map and have made the correction.  The revised map is below:

Additionally, I have gathered the extra lists I put together for both the Lord of the Four Corners Sumerian Campaign and the War of the Two Brothers (Late NKE) Campaign in one place.  The link below will let you see what I have so far.

Biblical Extra Lists

Let me know if you have issues with the link.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

More from Egypt

 Here are the next two sector maps for the new Egypt based campaign.


Movement will be very dependent on the Nile River.  Once I get the campaign rules in a presentable form, I will post them up as well.  Eventually, everything will be available through a dedicated campaign page.

Retjenu - Syro-Canaanites and Early Nomadic peoples will fit in on this map with a possible Hittite presence in the far north.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Egypt - Maybe (Updated)

Went back and revised the original draft map of the theatre of operations and completed several of the sector maps. The Nile will be very important in the campaign as movement by water will be very important as it was historically with very few roads/tracks. The campaign rules (when they are ever finished) will fill in the gaps on how this will work.
The green areas along the river are just for reference and to break up the otherwise white field.  I thought about adding desert symbols but the few test pieces I tried ended up with way too much yellow on the map.

Here is the Tsakhet (or Lower Egypt) sector map.

Here is the Tjehenu (or Libyan) sector map.

Edit 9.12.21 - The sector map for the Land of Reeds had an error on it so I have removed it for now.

The sector maps for Kush and Retjenu are still works in progress but hopefully I can get them completed in a week or so.

Final Figures for 2024

Managed to finally finish a battle group of Late Roman Auxiliary that had been languishing in the near finished box for a bit thanks to a re...