Monday, April 27, 2020

Isolation Week #? Update

Broken Rays of the Sun Campaign updates have slowed down as I need to add some reinforcements to the arsenal.  Having said that, the 5th edition of the Babylonian Sun Times is almost done and once these reinforcements are complete another battle will be in the offing.

Any kind of campaign with the Parthians is going to need lots of horse archers.  This week I finished up two more BGs:  a Scythian cavalry group of four stands and a Parthian/Persian cavalry group of four stands.  I have had sixteen stands of Pre-Islamic Bedouin/Arab foot archers for my Hatrans, a Hatran camel camp, two Steppe Nomad wagons, a six-stand group of Mountain Indian light horse and a Mountain Indian general also waiting around for me to flock so today's goal was to get their bases painted and ready.

Skythian cavalry (Old Glory) to the left and the two battlegroups of Hatran foot archers (mainly Forged in Battle with a few OG and 1 Corvus Belli Numidian) in the foreground.  
Here is another view from the other side.  In the front are the Parthian Horse Archers (Old Glory) with the Mountain Indians (Old Glory Hippakantistai) behind them. To the left of the Parthian Horse Archers are three 40mm x 80mm camps:  one is a Hatran Camel Caravan (mix of Essex, Forged in Battle, Gladiator) and two Forged in Battle Steppe Wagons.
The bases have been painted a base color of brown.

Tomorrow, I will apply the flocking to give them a burnt grass look.

Note:  Almost all of the figures pictured have been painted by yours truly.  About 16 or 17 of the Arab Archers were painted by Thomas Demers of Mad Monkey Painting in Mississippi and I added some additional figures to get enough for 16 total stands (48 figures).

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Final Figures for 2024

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