Sunday, November 15, 2020

Chilled Iron 2020 Field of Glory Tournament Results

 Unfortunately, we only had 5 qualifying players at the Chilled Iron FOG Tournament this weekend.  As such, we only played three rounds instead of the 4 scheduled but all seemed to enjoy themselves and no one left brain dead.

Final Results

Gino Agnelly, Lee Cleveland and I (Christopher Anders - the referee) only played two rounds.  Per Gulf Coast Championship Guidelines the referee is not eligible to win the tournament and, where possible, always plays the lowest ranked player.  In this case, it was not possible as by points, Joey should have played Willard in Round 2 so I played Joey to keep Lee from having to play Joey (they play each other all of the time).  Lee had to leave after Round 2 anyway and Gino had to look for some Blue Boy paintings (don't ask, it really doesn't make sense anyway) so he sat out Round 2.  It worked out just fine or so everyone said at the end.

Round 1 action - Gino Agnelly w Ptolemaics vs Lee Cleveland w New Kingdom Egyptians

Round 1 action - Joey Miller w Nikeforian Byzantines vs Willard Moore w Teutonic Knights

Round 2 action - Christopher Anders' Crusaders (in the foreground) vs Joey Miller w Nikeforian Byzantines

Round 2 action - Willard Moore w Teutonics vs Lee Cleveland w New Kingdome Egyptians

Round 3 action - Joey Miller w Nikeforians vs Gino Agnelly w Ptolemaics

Round 3 action - Christopher Anders' Crusaders (in the foreground) vs Willard Moore w Teutonics - still in set-up.  We did not have time to take an action shot.  Willard's Teutonics crumbled in just about 1 hour.

2nd Place Finish - Gino Agnelly

2nd Place Badge awarded to Gino - Emblem of the Ptolemaics

Chilled Iron Champion - Joey Miller

Championship Badge awarded to Joey Miller - actually a Carthaginian Emblem but Joey loves his Carthaginians

Found the badges on eBay from a seller out of Hong Kong.  I picked them up about two months ago.

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