Friday, November 6, 2020

Wrap-Up of the Broken Rays of the Sun Campaign

After the last two battles in the Summer of 220 AD (7th turn of the test campaign), two of the three dynasts in the campaign were killed in battle leaving only one still alive, Vologases VI.  It just so happens with Vologases' victory he accumulated enough VPs for his prestige to rise to King of Kings level.  One of the victory conditions in the campaign is end a campaign turn at Social Rank Level 4, King of Kings.  So after 7 campaign turns and five table-top battles, the 1st run of the Broken Rays of the Sun draws to a close with Vologases VI the winner.

Babylonian Sun Times Vol 7, Summer 220 AD (Final edition of this run of the campaign).

Orange outlines the areas under direct rule of Vologases VI, Blue indicates areas offering fealty. Red is the Roman siege of Dura

Very likely the Broken Rays of the Sun will return in 2021 but for now I will take a break from the days of the Parthian Sun.  Until next time...

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