Just not feeling it today for painting so decided to pull out my Arabs to take a few pictures and make stir the juices.
These are a mixture of Old Glory 15s, Khurasan and Essex with one or two random others I found in the lead pile when putting them together. The army itself started as a boxed Arab Conquest Army for Old Glory 15s. Paint jobs are also a mixture my own and several other painters. I will try list all of that in the captions of each picture as we go through these.
This is the overview of the entire force. Originally this was built as an Arab Conquest list for the last US FOG Team Tournament in 2015. Since then I have replaced most of the cavalry but more on that later. |
Arab Generals 1
Arab Generals 2 - The three horse mounted command stands are from the Early Medieval Arab range from Khurasan. The banner holders are one of the unarmored lancers from the same range. The camel command stand is from Essex. I use this army as a Pre-Islamic Arabian, Pre-Islamic Bedouin, Dynastic Bedouin and other Arab based Dark Age lists. I painted all of the command stands. The flags are some I found online and resized for 15mm.
Arab Archers - These are a mix of OG15s and Khurasan Early Medieval Arabs. The OG figures were painted by Larry Reeves and I painted the Khurasan.
These are Bedouin Cavalry OG15s from the Crusades Range. Originally all of the cavalry in this army were from OG but I found the poses and sculpturing sort of bland. This is the last BG from the original build. I painted these.
Arab skirmishing archers. Old Glory 15s painted by Larry Reeves.
Arab slingers from Khurasan. I painted these and think they turned out well. OG15s does not have an Arab slinger casting.
Bedouin Light Horse - These are Khurasan unarmored lancers mostly painted by Thomas Demers of Mad Monkey Painters. I added a few figures as I needed more to flesh them out to three BGs. The next BG follows in the next picture.
Bedouin Light Horse and Arab Camelry with Bow - The Bedouins are again from Khurasan and mainly painted by Thomas Demers. The camelry are from Forged in Battle painted by me. Love the way these turned out by I learned I hate painting camels and these casting in particular. The figures are split waist with two different torsos and two different camels. |
There are 5 BGs of Jund Cavalry or Bedouin Cavalry all from Khurasan. Thomas Demers painted most of these and I added one or two to fill out the ranks.
City Cavalry Lancers - These are Khurasan Armoured Lancers from his Arab range. I painted these myself and the flag is something I created. You are only allowed 6 total of these and I may add two more stands later. |
5 BGs of Arab Heavy Foot - all Old Glory painted by Larry Reeves with the exception of 1 command stand that I added later. Eventually, I may replace these with the new Forged in Battle castings.
In V1 & V2 of FOG, the Average Jund Cavalry could dismount as Superior Offensive Spear so I built this army with this in mind. In V3, they dismount as how you buy them so not such a get over anymore. I may add another command stand and a stand of spearmen to flesh these out to a 6th BG of Arab foot. Larry Reeves painted these.
A battle group of Arab Javelinmen - all OG15s painted by one of the Chinese painting companies that I picked up off Ebay. I picked these up several years ago before the Chinese decided their paint jobs were as good as gold and liked the paint job so much I rebased them and kept them. In later armies, I use these as Ghazi volunteer foot. |
Dailami foot - These are all OG15s that I painted for my Sassanid and Pre-Islamic Arabian armies. These were a labor of love and took quite awhile to finish. I may add two more bases some day as they can by 8 stands in some of the later Arab lists.
Ambush markers for FOG - sometimes I use just two of these together to form a camp for FOG 300 or ADLG. I painted the figures on these and found them in the figure bin. The one in the center is an Essex javelin man. I think the other two are Museum. |
Full size FOG camp that I painted and created. The foot figures are all Essex. The tent is from Baeuda. The well is one of the OG15s camp sets. The camel is Museum (I think) that I found in the figure bin and the palm tree is one I picked up in Hobby Lobby.
FOG 300 camp (or if I have to ADLG camp). The figures are all Essex. Originally, I had 6 bases of these that I picked up off Ebay from one of the Chinese painting companies.
While these started life as an Arab Conquest army, I use it now as Pre-Islamic Arabian, Pre-Islamic Bedouin, Muslim North African and Sicily plus a few others.
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